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Offering holiday hope for those struggling with credit card debt

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2015 | Debt Relief

It may seem hard to believe, but we are now only two weeks away from Christmas. While this may be welcome and exciting news to many people, it’s undoubtedly stressful for others, as there is still baking to be done, cards to mail and, of course, shopping to complete.

Regarding this last point, it appears as if Americans will do a considerable amount of shopping by the time the holiday season wraps up. Indeed, statistics from the National Retail Foundation show that consumers will make close to $630.5 billion worth of holiday-related purchases this year.

It goes without saying that a considerable amount of these purchases will not be paid for by cash or check, but rather by credit card so that the costs can be spread out over time.

While this may not be a bad strategy for many people, there are others for whom holiday credit card spending — or perhaps any holiday spending whatsoever — is simply not an option.

That’s because there are many people here in Florida and across the U.S. who have had little choice but to accumulate significant credit card debt over the last few years thanks to things like divorce, the onset of a sudden illness, the loss of a job or other unforeseen life events.

As stressful and sad as this scenario can be, those struggling with credit card debt should understand that they may be able to secure a fresh financial start — and perhaps some much-needed holiday cheer — by filing for personal bankruptcy.

For example, did you know that Chapter 7 bankruptcy generally enables a person to discharge unsecured debt — like credit card debt — while also keeping their home and valued possessions and stopping creditor harassment?

At Kingcade & Garcia, P.A., we have been helped over 15,000 Florida residents secure some manner of debt relief. To learn more about how we can help those struggling with overwhelming credit card debt, please visit our website.


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