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Bankruptcy Attorneys In Miami-Dade, Broward And Monroe Counties

Committed to helping single mothers find meaningful debt relief

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2016 | Debt Relief

It can be a great relief for women — especially mothers — to see their divorce finalized. That’s because they are now free to start carrying out their post-divorce plans for both themselves and their children, perhaps moving to a new home, submitting job applications, going back to school or even just enjoying their newfound sense of freedom.

As exhilarating as it can be for single mothers to be out on their own, it can rapidly become worrisome and perhaps altogether frightening in the event financial problems begin to develop.

Consider how an unforeseen event like the sudden onset of an illness, loss of a job or failure of an ex-spouse to provide the necessary support can all serve to wreak havoc on a single-income household. Indeed, any one of these events could put a single mother in the unenviable position of putting more on and more on her credit card, or far worse, being unable to pay her bills or cover other costs.

When financial problems reach critical mass — creditor calls, threats of possible foreclosure, piles of unpaid bills, etc. — it’s important for single mothers to take a deep breath and understand that they have options.

For instance, they may be able to secure much-needed debt relief via Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, two processes that can help end creditor harassment, stop foreclosure and eliminate debt.

At Kingcade & Garcia, P.A., we are dedicated to helping single mothers in financial distress find the answers they need and the fresh start they deserve. Our lawyers have helped over 15,000 people across Dade County from all walks of life find meaningful debt relief and, as such, understand the unique concerns facing single mothers.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please visit our website.


Kingcade & Garcia | A Miami Law Firm